Building products for exteriors
Discover our range of solutions with certified products to complete your building’s thermal insulation and for impeccable, customised aesthetics.

Building products for exteriors
Discover our range of solutions with certified products to complete your building’s thermal insulation and for impeccable, customised aesthetics.
Contact Plastimur
Would you like to receive more information on Plastimur's thermal insulation or anti-liftoff system solutions?
Contact us and a Plastimur salesperson will get back to you with more information.
Indoor design
Kristal Metal è la finitura decorativa metallica a base acquosa dall’effetto perlato che, con una semplice applicazione, donerà lucentezza agli ambienti interni. Scopri tutte le tonalità disponibili e richiedi maggiori informazioni sulla linea esclusiva per decorazione interni firmata Plastimur.